
Revenue Planning provides top management with a blue print that leads them to a revenue maximization path. It provides managers with revenue impact and risk assessment capabilities and also seamless integration within the departments that are involved in the process of generating revenue. The process involves collecting actionable information to address key questions and examine probable outcomes that impact revenue strategy and business decisions.

  • 1 Path to achieve Targets.
  • 2 Optimal mix that provides maximum revenue.
  • 3 Basis for measuring effectiveness.

The sales team is expected to be armed with tools that support sales and decision making especially form the revenue management viewpoint. The initiatives are to be measured against actual performances on the field. The input from the field is vital to the forecasting process. Sales teams would be expected to continuously give feed back on the following

  • 1 The Global- Network Targets vs. the Local -Point of sale.
  • 2 The sales team is also responsible for shift in forecast
  • 3 Triggers in shift in booking growth are inputs to decision making
  • 4 The market knowledge and feedback for forecast correction


The targets are set based on forecasts and the expected yearly growth for the organization. These targets are normally developed at a higher level (Top management) or some times by the CEO along with a panel of members and shareholders. This may also depend on how much influence the top management wishes to exercise on these targets. History is used to evolve an expected number for the year after year revenue growth is applied on the current year and an estimate on the expected forecast is achieved. These targets are then disseminated into lower level targets resulting in fine-grained targets that are needed to be achieved at specific time frames. The sales team identifies are thus given targets and they are measured against these.

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 E. : info@qualimations.com
 Reg. Chennai: +91 9940622700

Advance your Organization

  • Beat your competition by taking the optimal pricing approach.
  • Develop a cadre of executives with world class revenue management leadership qualities.
  • Use class pricing to support your expansion agenda.
  • RM can form as a driving force for change.
  • Thoroughly understand the Input vs your output relationship through the quality cost approach.
  • Support real time situations faced by Revenue Managers.
  • Develop a Quality knowledge base within the company.
  • Learn the theory of planned incremental revenue generation.

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Our Role

Using data analytics to set optimal price points. Revenue managment company wide.

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